
Family/Adventure, Netherlands 2015

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"Monkey Pranks" is set around the year 1900 and tells the story of Wim, an orphan boy who desperately wants to go to school instead of spending his time doing forced labor in the city weaving factory. Through his ingenuity and with a little help from a little monkey, he finds new friends, a fun school and a loving family. Raised in an orphanage, ten-year-old Wim's life consists only of working in a weaving factory for the benefit of the home's director. But secretly, Wim has only one dream: to go to school and learn about the wonders of life. Together with the other children from the orphanage, he is therefore eagerly awaiting the introduction of a school law that will make it compulsory for children between the ages of six and twelve to go to school. But fate does not favor him, and he sees his only chance in escape. On his adventurous journey, he meets a monkey and encounters a girl named Jet, both of whom soon become his companions on the turbulent journey. Among cows and pigs, Wim and his monkey find a new home in Jet's family's barn. Secretly, Wim follows Jet to school every day. His new life on Jet's farm is full of adventures, new friendships, discoveries and dangers, and if it were up to Wim, it could stay that way forever.

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Johan Nijenhuis


Tygo Bussemakers (Wim)

Loek Peters (Tibor)

Dick Carlier (The Rich)

Isis Cornelissen (Aafje)

Arjan Ederveen (Doktor Stronk)

Guus Dam (Old Teun)

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16:9 HD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 8 years

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